10.April 2024, Rating list, WM Test, Logos
20.March 2024, Rating list update, 47 engines added, new logos
16.April 2023, Rating list update, Database cleanup, Name
21.March.2023 - Rating list and games, 1000 games test, Test
10.Sep. 2022 - Rating list, 1000 games test, settings
12.June 2022 - CM personalities rating list, time influence
21.May.2022 - Rating List, Test suite, CM-personality
6.May.2022 - CM Hybrid, Rating list, Test Suite, links
14.Mar.2022 - 1000 games test, Ratinglist, Test suite,
CM-settings, Grandmaster, CM only, contact
16.Jan.2022 - updates for Ratinglist, Logos
2.Jan.2022 - updates for Ratinglist, GM-page, Chess computer page
added, my PC page added
29.Dec.2021 - CM-pers. Firouzja added
27.Dec:2021 - CM only page added
26.Dec.2021 - updates for Grandmaster Edition, Logos
23.Dec.2021 - updates for King Elos, Grandmaster Edition, 1000
games test
22.Dec.2021 - King ELOs added
12.Dec.2021 - Grandmaster page, downloads, Logos, settings
10.Dec.2021 - Links and Logos update
8.Dec.2021 - 1000 games test update. Four engines added.
6.Dec.2021 - Logos and links added, some corrections. Ratinglist
now displays correct
5.Dec.2021 - Site online now!
Chessmaster Personalities Rating List
The original Chessmaster personalities are created to
simulate the style of Legendary Chess players and not for best
performance. Tested in around 20.000 games you can see the strength
of them. TheKing350 32-bit engine was used for the games. Using the
x64 engine and more cores they will get accordingly stronger!
To get the most fun with the styles use engines at the same or lower
strength as opponents or better play yourself against them.
The first eight are not original personalities from the CM-Team.
They are created by me and added for stable ELO.
You can here download pre-configured wb2uci.eng files
and logos with their names
for use of the personalities outside of the CM_GUI

CM-Personalities with sel=9
CM-Personalities with
CM-Personalities with
CM-Personalities with
CM-Personalities with
CM-Personalities with